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Anthropological Perspectives on HIV/AIDS Transmission During Delivery

Anthropological Perspectives on HIV/AIDS Transmission During Delivery

Hancart Petitet, P (2004).

in P. Cohen and S. Solomon (eds.),
AIDS and Maternity in India. From Public Health to Social Sciences Perspectives. Emerging themes and Debates,
Pondicherry : French Institute of Pondicherry.

This paper present a theoretical framework of anthropological research on the question of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in general and in Tamil Nadu in particular, by confronting this problematic with different approaches in the anthropology of reproduction. I will first briefly consider the question of MTCT from the point of view of public health and then suggest research perspectives in the “socio-cultural” anthropology of reproduction presented by the problematic of MTCT and HIV. Finally, I will discuss to what extent other anthropological approaches (“medical”, “social change” and “political”) open multiple research perspectives on the question of MTCT and HIV.


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Cyril Farnarier (28 juin 2008). Anthropological Perspectives on HIV/AIDS Transmission During Delivery. Amades. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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